114 Pleasant St — Mark Lesses Group

114 Pleasant St

Price Range: $250,000 - $400,000

Sqft: 600 - 800

Address: 114 Pleasant St

City: Arlington

State: Massachusetts

Zip: 02476

114 Pleasant St: The 114 Pleasant St Condominiums are located at Pleasant Street near the Arlington Center and route 2. The well maintained building consists of 27 spacious one & two bedroom units. This 5 floor building was converted to condominiums in 1980 and features in building laundry, storage and more!

Area: Conveniently steps from Arlington Center, This building is located among many historic homes on Pleasamt St as well as nearby Spy Pond, The Minuteman Bike Trail and Spy Pond Park.

Building amenities:

Off street parking

Laundry in building

Active and Pending Units

Sold Units

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